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Repeat Crafter Me Moss Stitch Baby Blanket Pattern

E'er since I posted my Moss Stitch Shawl, I've been flooded with requests for a tutorial on how to use the moss stitch to make a square instead of a triangle. Ask and you lot shall receive! Using Caron Big Cakes yarn in colour Jordan Almonds, I figured out that you can easily brand a moss stitch square blanket past crocheting in continuous rounds. I tried several times to exercise this using a join after each circular only didn't like the fashion you lot could see the seam. This is such a great relaxing project that you can do while binge watching your favorite shows or to take on-the-go while in waiting rooms or during kids extracurriculars.

Since Caron Big Cakes is a self-striping yarn information technology is perfect for this project! Below you will see a picture of Zoe holding up the blanket after using one brawl of yarn. It is well-nigh 25×25 inches. I decided to use near a half a ball more to make the blanket 32×32 and and so had yarn left over for the tassels!

– ane or ii balls of Caron Big Cakes yarn in colour Jordan Almonds. Purchase at
– Size H Crochet Hook
-Tapestry Needle
– Clover Tassel Maker Large. Purchase HERE.

The Moss Sew  = SC + Chain ane
You crochet in all of the chain ane spaces from the previous row.

Moss Stitch in a Square Pattern:
Magic Band, chain one and make a SC + concatenation two + SC + chain 2 + SC + chain two + SC + chain two + SC
Pull tight but do non bring together
Circular 2: Now working in the first concatenation 2 infinite, SC + chain 2 + SC, chain 1, in the adjacent chain ii space, SC + chain 2 + SC, chain 1, repeat in the last ii chain 2 spaces, do non bring together
Round 3: Working in offset chain two space (these are your corners), SC + chain two + SC, chain i, SC + chain 1 in the chain 1 space, SC + chain 2 + SC in the next chain 2 corner space, chain ane, SC + chain 1 in the concatenation 1 space, repeat around, do not join,
Round 4: SC + concatenation 2 + SC in the starting time corner, chain 1, SC + chain 1 in each of the concatenation ane spaces until yous reach next corner, SC + chain 2 + SC in next corner, chain 1, repeat around, practise not join.
Continue pattern working in continuous rounds until it's as large every bit you'd like!
When you are fix to fasten off, you will want to end in a corner. Sideslip stitch to join your yarn in any corner. Fasten off and weave in ends!

See video tutorial below:

Add tassels to all four corners for a little extra flair!

Conscientious, y'all might become addicted to the moss run up similar I take! 🙂
If you lot make this project please tag me on social media using the hashtag #RepeatCrafterMe

Note: I thought information technology was important to mention that I was not in any way asked to apply this yarn nor was I compensated for this post! I honestly just walked into my local Michaels Craft Store and fell in beloved with these new colors of Caron Big Cakes and started crocheting!

If you like this project you might likewise like my Moss Stitch Shawl! Get the pattern Here.

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